AKC Papered Purebred German Shepherd Male Puppy 4 months old. Has Champion Blood from Germany! Champion Blood German Import Sire! This puppy was born on 7-7-2013
He has all shots, has been dewormed. Has AKC papers, his father is from Germany imported, his mom is my own gentle mama I raised from puppy. Now the puppy is a little over 4 months old. He is very friendly, active, playful, trainable, and BIG, healthy and strong.
Sire is ANGELO VOM KANISFLUH from reputable kennel in Germany. Puppy's grandfather is OBER VOM BAD-BOLL, 2X world champion in Shutzhund Titles Germany circuit championships won. Check Pedigree Data Base for more info on these Kennels/Bloodlines/Titles, etc. The point is, the puppy has good breeding, good hips, good temperament, strong lineage, strong colors (dark now--will be BLK/RD), large frame, clear eyes, straight ears, low back, long taile, etc. All the traits of a true PUREBRED pup.
Please see pics below, most recent on top, going back to birth! Last 2 pics are of sire and grandfather. Serious calls to Monica @ (916) , located in Antelope, CA. Asking $750/OBO. Thanks.