Champion Blood German Import Sire! This puppy was born on 7-7-2013
He has all shots, has been dewormed. Has AKC papers, his father is from Germany imported, his mom is my own gentle mama I raised from puppy. Now the puppy is a little over three months. He is very friendly, active, playful, trainable, and BIG, healthy and strong.
Sire is ANGELO VOM KANISFLUH from reputable kennel in Germany. Puppy's grandfather is OBER VOM BAD-BOLL, 2X world champion in Shutzhund Titles Germany circuit championships won. Check Pedigree Data Base for more info on these Kennels/Bloodlines/Titles, etc. The point is, the puppy has good breeding, good hips, good temperament, strong lineage, strong colors (dark now--will be BLK/RD), large frame, clear eyes, straight ears, low back, long taile, etc. All the traits of a PUREBRED.
Please see pics below, most recent on top, going back to birth! Last 2 pics are of sire and grandfather. Serious calls to Monica @ (916) , located in Antelope, CA. Asking $750/OBO. Thanks.