We have a beautiful litter of AKC Newfoundland puppies! They were born August 21, 2013. These puppies come with Full AKC Registration. These pups come from beautiful bloodlines. The bloodlines carry the large blocky head, and beautiful fur and body-type. Mama weighs about 90; Daddy weighs about 150 pounds and are very docile. These gentle giants are great with kids, seniors and those in between. You are more than welcome to come meet the parents and pick your puppy (they are now 13 weeks and can go home. These pups developed quickly and are supplied their hearts content of their mothers milk as well as a supplemental formula. As stated above they will also have full AKC registrations. They have been vet checked, received their first shots, and include a hip, heart and health guarantee..We have 5 boys and one girl left. Please contact us for information as well as info on individual personalities. You are more than welcome to name your pup now if you would like. Call
or for more info. Prices: $ 1000 females and $900 for males. We are willing to make shipping arrangements as well.