These two females are from a litter born 8/2/13 and they have 14 champions in their bloodline, so you know these are top quality pups. One female is red and the other is apricot. All our litters are registered with AKC.
Our puppies are home raised, loved and cared for and are people friendly. We do not name the puppies reserving that to the new owner.
All puppies have had their dewclaws removed and tails docked. Theym ake regularly scheduled visits to the veterinarian. All shots will be up-to-date when purchased.
Give us a call and come visit to see them. You will fall in love with them. Do not wait too long because they go very fast. We have already sold 3 of the 5 litter puppies.
In the supplied photo, the puppy on your left and the one in the center are the available ones. The one on the right has been sold.