**PET PRICES: Males are $850 each and females are $950 each**.
All our adult animals are AKC Registered Miniature Poodles. All our litters are also AKC registered.
The first litter was born 1/24/2015 to Bella and they have 62 champions in their bloodline. The second litter was born 2/1/2015 to Brandy and these puppies have 14
champions in their bloodline.
Bella is a Chocolate miniature. She had 2 puppies, both females - 1 is black and 1 is apricot. The black female is reserved at this time.
Brandy is a Red miniature. She had 6 puppies, 2 males (both red) and 4 females (1 apricot and 3 red). One of the red females is on reserve.
All puppies can all be seen at: http://PeggysPuppies.net --- just select the Brandy or Bella tab across the top of the page -- photos are there, and videos are posted on the "videos" page.
These are top quality pups - home raised, loved and cared for and they are people friendly. We do not name the puppies - we leave that up to the new owner.
All puppies have had their dewclaws removed and tails docked. They make regularly scheduled visits to the veterinarian. All shots are, and will be, up to date. Puppies cannot be released to the new owners until they are 8 weeks old (State law and AKC rules).
Give us a call and come and see them. If you want, we can arrange a "Face Time" or "Skype" session to see the puppies if you have a smart-phone with those features ("Skype" can be done on your home computer and on your cell phone if you have a Skype app). You'll fall in love with them. A $100 non-refundable deposit is required for advance selection (deposit goes toward the purchase price).
(home) or
Email: [email removed]