11 week old Cane Corso puppies, (1 MALE, 2 FEMALES). Their tails have currently been docked and their dewclaws have actually been eliminated. These young puppies are 11 weeks old and have had 2 sets of vaccines and have actually been wormed twice. All dogs are basically crate skilled and already displaying a really steady character.
The dam is Maximos Nefer Isis, (aka Isis) and is of the old school Cane Corso type. Her character is absolutely best to state the least. She has an immaculate pedigree and she gets along excellent with other pet dogs and people in basic. She is great with kids and at the exact same time she is still a very effective guardian to our household when need be. Shes extremely intelligent, calm, and just an overall wonderful caring canine and member of our household.
The sire is Maximos No Trouble For Teddi, (aka Dozer). Dozers personality and behavior is virtually identical to Isis. He is likewise very smart, calm, and caring. He also gets along well with other canines as well as individuals and is excellent with children too. He is a extremely faithful and effective
guardian to his famiy simply like Isis. And much like Isis, Dozer likewise has an effectively decorated pedigree. Dozer is actually a direct trash mate/full bro to GCh Maximos Jack TT CAL1 TDI, the # 3 Cane Corso in the nation.
Both sire and dam have immaculate pedigrees, which can be seen upon demand. Isis and Dozer are also signed up with the ICCF and the AKC and they both originated from Maximos Kennel in San Jose, CA.
Kindly contact me for more info, photos, and prices.