3 beautiful 10 week old pups (born 9/17/14) all set and available to go to their new, forever homes! They include American Kennel Club full registration, have actually had their very first and 2nd set of shots and have been dewormed.
1 bi-color female (like her mom), 1 black lady and 1 black male. Caring, spirited and spirited!
Asking $450, the ideal Christmas gift! 1st picture is our our Sire and 2nd pic is our Dam. Moms and dads have incredible temperaments yet are strong protectors and are really smart, along with just gorgeous. Pedigrees on request.
Third photo is of our bi-color female dog. At birth, she was the very first born and the largest puppy in the litter. Over the last several weeks, she has actually shown to be the very first out of the trash still, to do everything! She's extremely playful and likes attention. Would do amazing with an active family!
4th image is of our strong black male. He loves and is a sweetie to have his belly rubbed! He is also very lively, alert and one of our more vocal ones when he gets or plays excited. Would grow in a loving, family home!
5th picture is of our 2nd female. She is also strong black. She is a spunky one, like our bi-color. They enter all type of enjoyable together. She is lively and picks things up very swiftly. We do well in a home where she would be trained!
Call preferred, -LRB-520-RRB-395-549 nine. Thanks, pleased vacations!