Happy is just that. ALWAYS happy.
He is an AKC English Bull Terrier. He is all white with a brindle patch above his eye.
2 years old.
He is super sweet and very friendly to everyone. He has never been aggressive to anyone. He gets along great with all other dogs. Male or female. Big or little. He is good with horses, goats, chickens, and cats. He loves just hanging around the property and will follow you everywhere. He is kennel trained. Good on the leash. Good off the leash. Comes whenever called.
He is microchipped and is licensed with the city.
He is not neutered.
Has a great attitude about everything. Likes car rides. Loves kids. Has had some gorgeous babies. Most of them were all white with an eye patch.
We are no longer breeding and are in the process of moving, so he is offered for only $1000
We also have a 3 year old female available for only $600
And two puppies are coming available as well. Both are boys. (The female pictures is not the mom.)
The first two pics are of Happy.
The next pic is of the 3 year old female.
The last two pics are of the last two pups available. They are a lot bigger now. Both are males. Dewclaws done.
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