European AKC Doberman puppies born June 10 and are ready to go home. Both of the parents are on site, AKC registered, and in great health. Mother is 85 pounds and a black/rust color. Father is 100 pounds and a red/rust color. They are both the pick of the litter, loyal and obedient dogs with -great temperament. They are stable around children and nonthreatening to strangers, but also protective when danger arises. They are vet , declawed and tail docked. Will go to their new home with the AKC registration application, certificates and first set of vaccinations and deworming.
Doberman pinscher dilated Cardiomyopathy-- Clear
Cardio : Negative
VWD : Negative
(Proof is available upon request
Available :
1 red female ( big red female $1,200) she is the keeper...
3 Black male
***Health Guaranteed***
Please CALL if you have any QUESTIONS
Vlade (