We have 7 stunning lab young puppies born upon June 15th. There are 2 yellow females, 3 chocolate ladies and 2 chocolate males in this litter. These young puppies will certainly be terrific family pets or terrific hunting canines, whichever it is you may be looking to train. We have actually even had fantastic success offering our pet dogs as service dogs. These puppies will certainly be well socialized in our home with our 5 youngsters ages 1-9.
Sire: (Chip) AKC signed up chocolate brown dad with a vivid and loving
personality. He is an English lab and has an outstanding pedigree with some lines from Hightest Kennels. Chip has some excellent OFA in his background.
Dam: (Penny) AKC registered chocolate brown mom with a more moderate and very loving personality. Her father is Beau from Hightest Kennels and she is an American laboratory.
Our puppies come with AKC papers, full shot/wormer records, dewclaws eliminated, and composed wellness assurance. Happy feel free to email or call with any concerns. If you 'd such as to pick very early and the puppies will certainly be prepared for their brand-new homes at the beginning of February, we do reserve young puppies. WE LIVE NORTH OF SACRAMENTO NEAR LAKE OROVILLE AND CHICO.
Please call Sarah at: .