CHAMPION AKC bloodlines and GREAT TRACKERS on both sides of the pedigree!
born December 15, 2012. (15 weeks old as of March 30, 2013)
Dam is the mother of our main Search and Rescue tracking dogs. this is her 2nd litter. she has a great nose and lots of heart and determination that she passes on to her pups. Sire is a big boy with a great nose and goofy loving personality. A great nose and a big heart is a given with this cross. Both parents of this litter are great with kids. we only have 1 female puppy still available from this litter. She is the RED collar puppy on our website.
She is available for:
$500 ? no papers
$800 ? limited ?pet home only? AKC registration papers (no breeding rights *spay/neuter agreement*)
$1,200 ? full AKC Registration (full breeding, showing & competition rights)
She has already had her first 2 rounds of (5-way) puppy shots, dew claws were done, she is micro chipped, and has been de-wormed.
Our goal is to promote and better the Bloodhound as a breed. We breed our Bloodhounds for use in Law Enforcement, Search and Rescue, Showing, Tracking, Trailing, and of course as wonderful family pets. We take enormous pride in our dogs. First and foremost they are a well loved and irreplaceable part of our family. please see our website for more pics and information.
shipping for puppies is available worldwide. please contact us if you would like more information or a price quote on shipping.