Bouvier des flanders young puppies - there are 3 males and 3 ladies offered. They will be ready for their permanently houses on 8/24.
Brindle male/female and one female fawn (she resembles a siamese). They all very cute. Nice coats and colors. The Brindles will certainly most likely have great deals of gray (maybe 50 shades).
Bouvier are a gigantic breed. The majority of the ladies should be 85 pounds on up. The males will all work out over 100. Great with kids - they enjoy to herd them. Hypoallergenic, they have hair not fur, so they will certainly need grooming - but it beats the little pokey hairs.
All babies are raised in my house. I possess both parents. I am found 20 miles above Portland, OR.
You get to name your baby and you are able to register them. Shipping is readily available.
Offer me a call or email to read more.