Meet Dawn & Ajax
Ajax (Brown) is 15 years young, he is very sweet and he is working on marking!! He recently had cherry eye surgery, and is healing well. Ajax is very shy until he gets to know you and trust you.
Dawn (Black) is 12 years young and just the sweetest baby. She is potty trained and loves to cuddle all day long. Dawn is super friendly.
They definitely are a bonded pair. They sleep together during the day, but separately at night, in different dog beds. They get along great with most dogs. Dawn does not like white fluffy dogs and Ajax is ok with most except if they get in his face. They were found as strays but had identical collars on.
Both Dawn & Ajax are altered, microchipped and up to date on vaccines. They are both Chihuahua mixes and both recently had dentals. They need to be adopted together.
If you would like to know more about this duo, please email [email protected] or fill out a foster application at
Their adoption fee is $250 and each will have a PACC license transfer fee of $11.
*Applications to adopt: Home Visit / ID and Residence Verification is required. Compliance does not imply or guarantee adoption. Approval is the sole discretion of CWN representative(s).
3/27/18 7:11 PM