Beginning your own air shaft cleaning company without going into financial obligation!
The patented Airtech Viper was designed to be less evasive with no destructive brushes or cable televisions to break. More effective than rotary brush systems. You can clean the entire home duct system in the same or less time it requires to clean the carpets.
Easy to make use of and really compact. You can start generating income the day you get it. Whether you are beginning a new air shaft cleaning company or adding it to an existing carpeting cleaning company, this is the a lot of expense reliable system on the marketplace. Odd shape duct work or bigger ducts are not an issue with the Airtech Viper.
How it works: 1) Insert the air shaft snake in each vent.
2) Connect your vacuum source and air compressor hose to the multi-port connection.
3) As you pull the Airtech viper through the vent, open the air compressor valve and let the reverse skipper sphere and vacuum nozzle do the work. As dust/debris is dislodged, it is blown to the vacuum nozzle and collected.
With 25 ft of tubing you can keep your vacuum source nearby.
Permits you to use a store vac, portable carpeting cleaner or truck mount carpeting cleaner as your vacuum source.
Use air compressor with at least 120 psi however no more than 300psi.
The Airtech viper can spend for itself with simply 1 job!!
Takes up very little space on the van or you can even store it in the trunk of your automobile.
You will get (1) 25 ft I Helix vacuum hose 1.5 inch in diameter with cleaning head and multi-port port for air and vacuum connection.
No more cables to break and replacement of destructive brushes to stress with.
You will certainly need:.
1)A vacuum source such as a shopvac/ portable carpet cleaner or utilize your truck installed carpet cleaner.
2) Air compressor available at a lot of hardware stores- 120 psi minimum.
Airtech Viper model 25 Patent pending 2014.
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