An Elite Force M4 CQB with hop up and shoots at 360 to 390 FPS with semi, auto, and safe mode. Comes with lots of extras. Face mask, 2 additional clips, red dot scope, sturdy grip, vest, battery and adapter, speedloader, strap! I'm selling them all together but am open to offers to buy pieces individually! Everything works as intended! The red dot is missing a spring,however it's fully functional and runs on batteries. And i even have the spring still and will give it to you so that u can put back on if needed. I haven't put it back on cause it still is sturdy and works like a charm. All of this has barely been used at all except i've had the mask for some time now and have used it a lot, but everything else is basically new and barley has been used or battled with. I live in a neighborhood that is connected to Virginia Beach Boulevard close by the I-264 Lynnhaven Exit!