This new single-seater with two hours total time has been kept in a humidity-controlled garage. The modification consists of the use of a new 65 HP Walter Mikron aircraft engine instead of a VW conversion. This high-quality four- cylinder, 4-cycle inverted inline engine runs very smooth and uses auto fuel and oil. This aircraft is basic in concept with no electrical system and VFR only instrumentation but is a masterpiece in design and workmanship. Wings fold for transport and storage. Extras are: a beautiful custom trailer with rubber-encased trailing arm suspension for a soft, gentle ride, a hand-held nav/com radio with external antenna connection and push-to-talk switch on the stick, a new headset, vertical card compass, and streamlining of all struts, tubing, wires, and bungee-cord housings. Weights: 513 empty, 1000 gross. Performance: 100 MPH cruise, 120 VNE, 35 stall. Total invested: $37,873. Reason for selling: aging owner lost interest. What a deal!!!!!!