Before inquiring about the puppies, please read this ad fully.
Incredibly loved and adorable yorkie / maltese puppies. They are 3/4th yorkie and 1/4th maltese. (Mother is half yorkie and half maltese, father is full AKC yorkie). These puppies were born May 13th, and are now ready to go to new homes. Their tails are cropped and dewclaws are removed. They will go to their new homes with their first shots done, dewormed, a 1 year health contract, some pee pads, food sample (Blue Buffalo-Wilderness), and some toys. We have 1 boy and 1 girl left. Their mother is 4-5lbs and their father is 3-4lbs. The puppies should stay under 6lbs full grown.
The pictures below are of the puppies. The last photo are the parents.
If you are interested in providing a home for one of our puppies, please email me (Use the kijiji email button) and ask for a puppy questionnaire. I will reply with a questionnaire. Once completed, you may email me with the answers. Allow me some time to go over the questionnaires, and if we think you have a perfect home for our puppy, we will further contact you. Thank you! :)