These puppies are as sweet and as adorable as can be. The father is a 4.5 lb. registered full reproduced Yorkshire Terrier. He is considered a teacup. He is an excellent, strong, healthy male with a pleased personality. He is black and a deep caramel/tan color.
Mom is a healthy 7 lb. Yorkie signed up complete reproduced Yorkshire Terrier. She is blue (silver) and a golden tan. She is very healthy, pleased, and extremely athletic. The height she can get when she jumps is fantastic! She is likewise exceptionally smart. She has 3 puppies readily available; 3 males. One is really little. Her puppies are $800.
All puppies will certainly come with a starter kit. This consists of some puppy food, a blanket w mother and litter's fragrance, and a toy. They will also have their first set of shots. Their tails and their dew claws have actually currently been done.
If interested please email, text or call to set up a consultation.
You will not be dissatisfied !!