Currently 11 weeks old. She has actually recieved her 2nd set of young puppy shots and is microchipped, pee-pad and crate trained. She has a terrific temperament, is non-shedding, and will certainly make terrific addition to a loving family. (Mom and daddy imagined in last photo - they're our household dogs). Since they she's a long-hair breed, we have currently introduced her fundamental grooming (brushing, bathing, and nail trimming) and is doing incredibly well. She has a very special and gorgeous
coat - reddish/brown, apricot, and a white stripe down her chest. Spunky and independent. Enjoys exlporing the home and will certainly wind down cuddled next to you. She is extremely small - currently 3 pounds.
With no objective to offend, we hold the right to refuse a puppy to any household we feel could not be the right fit. We are situated in Sacramento. Personal checks/money orders will not be accepted.
Call/text -LRB-916-RRB-.
Thank you!