Born January 13, 2013 and will be ready for new home on March 8,2013. Light red male dachshund puppy, with some dark shading, a real cutie.Puppy is AKC registered and will be up to date on all shots and dewormings, will have vet health check up and guarantee. Mom is a 14 lb daughter of Ch. Barstars Musketeer and Dad 13 lb grandson of Ch.Denhavens Girshwiin.Puppy price is $400.00 and I accept $100. non refundable deposits to hold a puppy for you until he is ready to go to new home. If you need a puppy shipped I use Delta's Pet First and shipping is at new owners expense. I only ship in the United States. This puppy was born and raised in my home and will be well socialized, loved, pre spoiled and healthy when you get him..