Abbie's story
Meet Abbie! She is a precious 4-5 year old, 38 lb beagle-jack russell mix. She's a healthy, happy, well-behaved girl but is a bit shy and a little scared of a few things. She enjoys going for walks and has been a good running companion for her foster mom! Abbie gets along with other dogs, but maybe not cats, as she is definitely interested in chasing rabbits and squirrels! She is not allowed on the couch in her foster home, but she loves long naps and a good snuggle. She would be fine as an only dog, and she would love nothing more than to be your very best friend and companion.
She's house trained, is fine in the house when humans are gone and would love to be able to snuggle in bed with you. Stuffed toys and squeaker toys are her favorite! She is interested in what's going on in the house and likes to run to the tree in the backyard in the hopes there will be a squirrel. We know you're going to LOVE this girl just as much as we do! She is currently fostered in Madison, AL, but she is available for adoption in your area. Abbie is spayed, current on vaccinations, microchipped, dewormed, heartworm negative, and current on Trifexis. You can fill out an application for this sweet girl here: Once we receive your application, her foster mom will be in touch with you promptly!