ZMP38993950 -
Tired of looking for a new apartment on your own?
Yes, chances are you\'re tired of spending hours clicking through boring apartment listings, rummaging through outdated listings on The List That Craig Built. Reaching out to people who claim to have more important things to do. Cursing the almighty deities \"Why is finding a new apartment so hard?!\" Listen, we get it. It doesn\'t have to be like that. That\'s why we\'re here. Taco Street Locating. We\'re in the business of finding people like you apartments. We\'re also super free to work with.
So you\'re getting your palm read. It wasn\'t your idea. Your drunk girlfriends shoved you into this mess when they saw some croney looking old lady sitting on top of a milk carton outside the club and a deck of oversized pokemon card looking things. But this wasn\'t your ordinary patchouli scented streetside peddler of fake news fortunes. She was different. She\'s chanting her chants and shuffling her deck of randomized fortune, and then suddenly stops, glaring at you. She starts freaking the F out. Whoa. What\'s going on here? She explains that she\'s been waiting her entire life to meet you. Yes, you. She goes on further to explain that you\'re the chosen one. You will be the lucky one to move into that wildly exclusive and wonderful apartment complex. The one where every wants to live, but can\'t due to some unexplainable mythical forces. Apparently you have the correct aura, lineage, look, smells, destiny, fung shui, whatever. All of the things. You got it. And now that means you have a sweet new luxury apartment. Amazing.
Apartment Amenities
Nest Thermostat
Wood Flooring
Custom Cabinetry with Glass Fronts
Quartz Countertops with Island
Mosaic Tile Backsplashes
Stainless Steel Appliances
French Door Refrigerators
Built-in Wine Chillers
Built-in Microwaves and Ovens
Saflok Locking System
Community Amenities
Sky Lounge with Sprawling City Views
Espresso, Tea and Coffee Bar
Resident Hideaway with Billiards and Wifi
Sculpt Studio & Athletic Club
Lavish Courtyard with Infinity Pool
Pet Spa
Bike Storage
Air Conditioning | Balcony |
Hardwood Floor |
Dishwasher |
Business Center | Residents Lounge |
Wheelchair Accessible |
Outdoor Space | Storage |
Swimming Pool |