I sell my nearly new bike. It is brand of L Admiral. I bought it on Oct. 18,2011. The price of bike was 161.29 dollars with taxes. Now the bicycle has a baby carrier. Its brand is BELL. The baby carrier is about 50 dollars. I have rode it to send and pick up my son to preschool for nearly 2 month. Now I have a car to send and pick up my son. So I decide to sell it. Now it is very very new like a new bike. I sell the lady bicycle with the baby carrier for 150 dollars. I believe that the new owner of it will like it very much and think it deserve to get it!
If you want to buy the bicycle and not the baby seat, it is OK. The price is negotiate. The bicycle has the back. I has it at home, you can take it free.
If you are interested it, you can call (Ms. Tian) or email to me.
If you want to know the detail of the bicycle and baby carrier, please refer to the following website
the new bicycle website
the new baby carrier website
Location: Baylor Univerity, Waco,TX,76706
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