So here's the deal; this coach was traded in recently by some folks that were using it up until about a year ago. They had it parked in their yard and while stored some field mice chewed up some wiring underneath. Our intention is to put it through our shop to be rewired, then put the coach up for sale. Our challenge is simply that we are so busy it has been "back burnered". We have had the coach a month and we keep putting our customers units in front of our own, so we haven't touched it. My new plan is to offer an amazing deal to someone who has the skill to do the wiring and is interested in very, very good deal. This coach has just 34,190 original miles and is in good condition, other than the wiring issue of course. If you were to Google the coach you would find prices ranging from $19,000 to $35,000. Once we complete the work we would likely price it around $18900. The previous owner told us that prior to parking the coach, for about 12 months, everything was working just fine. This offer is good up until the time we start working on the motor home, so if you have an interest please stop by at your earliest convenience. Unitl then please free to call or email me with any questions, or if you like additional pictures. Dave Little Dealer Little Prices RV