7 Chihuahua Puppies, beautiful colors! Different sizes & sexes. We have 2 litters that were born August 3rd and 8th, 2015. We are looking for a wonderful home for them. Both fathers are long coat. Mothers are SC. Large variety of colors ranging from chocolate to blue to blue merle. between 3 lbs to 6 lbs full grown!
Please, when you contact me about these puppies, be prepared to tell me your plans for them. They won't be ready to go until they are at least 8 wks of age. Our website is:
Born: 08/7/2015
Ready: 09/15/2015
We will expect them to be spayed/neutered and you will be required to sign a contract agreeing to those terms. We want them to go to responsible, stable homes. They will be socialized and potty training will begin at about 4 wks of age.
Pups are given a minimum of 3 vaccines, specifically targeting Parvovirus, before they can go to their new homes. They will leave here with food, a blanket, toy, chewie, toothbrush, shot record and signed contract with health guarantee. We will be available 24/7 to advise you, if you should have any questions or concerns.
Please contact us if you think you have the perfect home for one of these sweet pups! :) I am happy to chat with you about them, if you have any questions. I can hold any pup with a deposit and can arrange payments. Placing the pups in the right home is our #1 priority! :)