6039 WHITSETT cost $2,795 per month. A couple amenities for this apartment building include but are not limited to: swimming pool and on site laundry. Located at 6039 Whitsett Ave, North Hollywood, CA 91606, USA, 6039 WHITSETT has 2 bedroom units available. Based on the average rent price of 2 bedrooms in Los Angeles, renting an apartment at 6039 WHITSETT is 18% cheaper per month.Other apartment buildings 1100 W Temple St, 14400 Valerio St, 1033 Hilgard Ave, 12244 Burbank Blvd
Air Conditioning | Balcony |
Granite Countertops | Hardwood Floor |
Walk-in Closet | Wood Floors |
Central A/C | Dishwasher |
Garabage Disposal | Oven |
Range | Stove |
Bike Storage | Elevator |
Intercom | Onsite Laundry |
Assigned Parking | Garage Parking |
Outdoor Space | Storage |
Swimming Pool |
Gardener | Gardner |
Pool Service |