I am the original owner of this bike. Accessories include Vance and Hines Straight Shot pipes tuned with power commander, saddlemen saddle bags and sissy bar. You will not find a cleaner bike this year, make and model. She has 6155 miles on her and possible a couple more before I sell her. I do not want to sell this bike but must because we are buying a house and need the money for down payment. I have kept up to date with all the maintenance and just had the oil changed recently. Combined with the power commander and pipes this bike will scream down the road leaving you breathless. One of the most comfortable and smoothest riding bikes I have ever owned. She has been garage kept and I have probably spent more time polishing this bike than I have riding it. I also have stock pipes and baffles with the new ones if you want them. It was tuned without baffles because I prefer to be heard coming down the road (it is much more safe in my eyes). Feel free to call or text me with any questions @ . I am located in Newark, Ohio. Serious inquiries ONLY. $5600. Title in hand.