Aqua Lily Pad floating water mat, relax & recreation We just got our third Summer 2012 shipment of Aqua Lily Pads and COMPLETELY SOLD OUT AGAIN!!!!! NEW SHIPMENT WILL BE HERE THE BIGINNING OF NEXT WEEK. I am the Oklahoma Distributor. CALL ME TO GET YOUR NAME ON THE WAITING LIST!!Please call Aqua Lily Pad floating water mat, is for relax & recreation on the lake. The kids love it, and it saves mommy's back lifting them in and out of the boat!! Hours of playing. All your boating neighbors will swim over and enjoy the mat as well!! We have them on Grand, Skiatook, Tenkiller and Eufala lake now, so you may see a fellow boater with theirs this summer.Similar to the blue "Water Mat" and more then half their price!For those who are not familiar with the product, check out for detailsBring the Aqua Lily Pad on your next lake activity -- increase your water surface for skiplatforms, kayak staging, tanning and relaxing or just as a general floating playground orportable island. You will not see anything like it on the water.The pad is 6 feet wide x 18 feet long x 1-3/8 inches thick, weighing less than 30 lbs.It has yellow and green surfaces with a black higher density middle layer. The rolled padsare only 2 feet in diameter and are easy to carry and transport while being able to floatwith distributed weight of over 1300 pounds.$499 plus taxCOME BY FROM 800 TO 530 MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY AT 105 W. KENOSHA, BROKEN ARROW- ON THE CORNER OF 71ST AND MAIN STREET AT Hitch It, ORPLEASE CALL AT THANKS!Keywords