Steinlager Beer Mirror Sign $35.00 15" Wide! 19" High! Very Pretty Colorful Sign New Zealand's Finest Beer! It will look GREAT on your wall! Apologies for the photography, That's the ceiling you see, with a light fixture, etc. Mirrors are hard to photograph! I have more than 50 beer signs for sale. . .Motion, Neon, Lighted, Mirror...$25 & up. Give me a call LarryBrainerd, Crosby, Ironton, Deerwood, Aitkin, Baxter, Pillager, Motley, Staples, Nisswa, Pequot Lakes, Breezy Point, Cross Lake, Merrifield, Pierz, Little Falls, Royalton, bar, rec room, lighted, beer, vintage, hamms, hamm's Schmidt, grain belt, Budweiser neon, lighted, coors, pabst,Listing originally posted at http