Fundamentals of Nursing Book W/DVD's (you will need those for lab) for $95. used is like 133, new is 177. For the fundamentals there is a fundamentals check list that goes with the book you MUST GET and that is separate, no one can reuse that its marked in by the teacher. The fundamentals book is highlighted and in used condition.Moving on some of these books are in slightly used condition, I have Davis Drug guide for $25, Jarvis physical exam and health assessment for $25 (brand new) , Mosbys manual of diag & lab tests for $35 (brand new), Nurses Diagnoses handbook for $35, and I have two tan scrub tops if you want them for 10 each I have an XS and S they run big and a White scrub top size small, think they are 28 a piece in the bookstore.Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks for looking!