337 N BENTON WAY cost $1,650 per month. A couple amenities for this apartment building include but are not limited to: storage. Located at 337 N Benton Way, Los Angeles, CA 90026, USA, 337 N BENTON WAY has studio bedroom units available. Based on the average rent price of studio in Los Angeles, renting an apartment at 337 N BENTON WAY is 11% cheaper per month.Other apartment buildings 5828 Colfax Ave, 11458 Burbank Blvd, 330 N Screenland Dr, 10913 Fruitland Dr
Air Conditioning | Gas |
Hardwood Floor | Storage Closet |
Upper Unit | Water |
Oven | Range Hood |
Refrigerator | Stove/Oven |
Wall A/C |
Sewer |
Assigned Parking | One Parking Space |
Storage |
Studio Apartment |