Authentic-Louis-Vuit?ton-Monogram-Ellipse?-Handbag-M51127. This bag was given to me as a gift. I have nothing against Louis Vuitton but this bag isn't really my style. I'm currently 8 months pregnant and could use the cash instead of the handbag. I currently do not have a cell phone to call on but I do have two numbers you can txt me on. My name is Kyrsten. The First number is . And the second one is. And again, you can not call either of these numbers. if you would much rather send me an email, I can respond that way too. [email protected]. Please let me know asap. $300.00 OBO. I can send Pictures upon request or if you would like to google the model number it'll show ones exactly like mine. I WILL DELETE THE POST WHEN IT HAS BEEN SOLD.Listing originally posted at http