LIGHT DOES NOT WORK. It recently went out. I’ve tried popping the switch box open to fix it but I couldn’t get the box open without risking damage. I’m not sure if it could be fixed even if it was opened, so you may need to purchase a new light.
29 gallon fish tank. Tank has a heater, a HOB aqueon filter, and an under gravel filter.
Live plants are mostly Java fern. They’re super easy to care for. Plus there’s a little lily (you can see the bulb in the left corner) and some semi-aquatic plants sticking out the top.
Fish include a bunch of platys, a three spot Gourami (female I think), a flying fox, three albino Cory catfish, and one false bandit Cory catfish.
There’s also a few assassin snails. I couldn’t tell you exactly how many. They like to live life in stealth mode.
Supplies that aren’t pictured include a barely used freshwater master test kit, seachem prime water conditioner, new life spectrum flakes, algae wafers, net, etc.
Text or call anytime (preferably text). Please leave a voicemail if your call goes unanswered and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.