NO RESERVE.I ordered this bike in February 2022. Production took months longer than expected, and it did not arrive until November 2022. Being in New England meant it went into winter storage immediately, and then personal circumstances left me choosing to sell.It is essentially brand new with 30 miles and is painted a glossy green/olive drab. There are two colors in the pinstripe scheme: cream and silver. The bike has chrome exhaust, two mirrors, and beautiful brown suede luggage bags to match the seat. This USA-made bike has top-notch build quality, with a great suspension.Today this bike would cost about $17,000 and there would be a wait for production.Here’s an opportunity to acquire one of these great bikes without having to wait for production, while saving thousands of dollars with no reserve. Clear Mass. title, also includes owner’s manual and shock adjusting tool.Free shipping within 100-mile radius of Westfield, Massachusetts.