Mp3, digital odometer, and traction control include incredible luxury and value to this 2014 Nissan Altima. It has a 2.5 liter 4 Cylinder engine. This one's on the market for $16,635. It has an Edmunds A rating that can not be beat. Know your automobile from the within out. Each certified secondhand Nissan includes a 150+ point evaluation and is made from authentic Nissan parts. Read all your automobile's functions in a crisp, clear digital display screen. Enhance your car's stability and grip on slippery roadways with traction control. According to an evaluation from CarsDirect, Front-seat convenience is excellent. Interested? Call today to take this car for a spin!
Our Location is: Larry H Miller Nissan - 2025 W Riverview Auto Dr, Mesa, AZ, 85201.
Disclaimer: All automobiles based on previous sale. We reserve the right to make changes without notice, and are not liable for omissions or mistakes. All prices omit government costs and taxes, any finance charges, and any emissions test charge.