This bike is nearly flawless and everything on it works like new. I am the 2nd owner, I purchased it with 4,000 miles on it and did all the modifications. I've had had a blast with it but just don't get time to ride it much anymore so considering moving on. It's been 100% maintained via my local HD dealer, and only by one particular mechanic since I've owned it. The bike runs perfect and everything on it works as it should / like new. All parts are real-deal name-brand manufacturers, no knock-offs. It is garaged and has hardly seen rain (been caught in a few showers at Sturgis and that's about it). The only blemish on the entire bike is at very bottom corner of the right saddlebag, shown in pictures (and not NEARLY as noticable in real life as the photo makes it appear) - corner was rubbed by something at some point (makes me crazy not knowing where / when), but it is completely unnoticable to anyone except the owner that knows it is there being a black bike and all and so low. This is a must see bike! In addition to being amazing to look at, the exhaust / sound is music to the ears. It gets tons of attention anywhere it goes, even at HD meets and rides from HD people - it's always appreciated as a really well done build. The 23" conversion was done at 4,000 miles and was done by an absolute pro, done the correct / best way. Using the HHI triple-trees, it rides and looks perfect. The Stage IV was also done at 4K miles and I've been beyond happy with it - went with the torque cam which gives great low end power that completely changes the riding feel, but it has all the reliability of stock. There will be no disappointments with this bike, I'm very torn on even letting it go. List of all modifications included in photos. Forgot to include that I have several size and tint windshields, some Klockworks and some Long Ride Shields that go with the bike, a few brand new with plastic still on them. Located in St. Louis, MO. NOTE / EDIT: I do have 2nd part / passenger seat and sissy bar and both come with sale, however I removed the docking hardware as I don't ride 2 up and wanted the cleaner look. I moved last year and as of moment can't find it, it's packed away somewhere. At this time I'm saying it doesn't come with this hardware. I will keep looking but as of yet can't find it. It's available via HD if I don't find. There won't be a discount for this, hopefully I find it though.
Make: Harley-Davidson
condition: Used
Mileage: 22300
Engine Size: 117
Color: BLACK
Additional color: CHROME