This is a great bike and has only been owned a year. I purchased it new November 10, 2011 (have documentation). 2009 is the year KTM quit using the troublesome washer clutch system and I had no problem with the one they put on this bike. We are casual about our motocross, riding on some weekends and racing on occasion. He raced this bike a few times and for the summer months of this year, we didn't ride at all. This bike still runs as strong as it did the day we got it.
I have taken extremely good care of the bike. I only used Motorex fuel mix, changed the clutch fluid after every ride, and replaced the piston and rings every 15-20 hours (by professional). The bike has new piston rings, sprockets and chain, wheel bearings, grips, clutch friction blocks, clutch hub, stator and coil. I will throw in 6 air filters, a triangle stand, original manual and case, stator, coil, cylinder base gaskets. I will also give you a top-end kit (piston, o-rings, needle bearings, cu-seal rings -- will need piston ring), which is worth well over $100 and you will need them soon enough if you care for bike properly. Why has so much stuff been done to this bike recently? Because I don't believe in selling junk. I purchase extra parts so that when there is a problem, I can fix it. I decided to go ahead and do this stuff because I had the parts and want you to be getting an awesome bike that is ready to go.
Thanks for your interest and if you want to talk about it, please feel free to call me at:
Three Three Four-75zero-86zerozero