It's why every choice made over the course of this bike's development was based on how it would directly benefit the riding experience. Since it is, if that seems obvious that's. Which factor is you. Their special styling aggressive ergonomics and premium elements combine to deliver the utmost instinctive sport riding experience. the Buell Sportbikes strike a special balance of racetrack and genuine world performance. the only developments you'll find on the 1125R are the ones that make you smoother quicker nimbler or more comfortable. the most important element on a motorcycle is always the rider. A minimum of to us. From its powerband to its ease of maintenance everything exists for a factor. Built from the rider down every decision made over the course of its development was based on how effectively it would serve the rider. 2008 Buell 1125R BUELL 1125R the MACHINE DOESNT COME FIRSTTHE RIDER DOES. the Buell 1125R is engineered to redefine the superbike offering riders the performance they anticipate with a healthy dosage of mindset and unique styling. Motorcycles Standard/Naked 8369 PSN ...
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