I actually have a 2007 Kawasaki Nomad 1600 available. This bike has significantly less than 12,000 miles onto it! It runs and rides great, it's plenty of tread on the tires, the brakes and clutch feel well, it changes easily. Everywhere I'd drive this bicycle! It's designed with stereo speakers, amplifier, I pod owner & input port. Additionally, it has Cobra decrease slice looks and headers excellent. The motor is just a 1600cc Vtwin that's fuel-injected, liquid-cooled, 5-speed transmission. With 94 foot-pounds of torque your never missing hp! The fiberglass bags are considerably better than and are ideal for touring and leather-type seat bags. This cycle also offers a luggage stand for sustained holding capacity. Purchase$ 7000 Period World.Pensacola Military Savings. Fresh &rev; Pre-Owned. Consignment sales. .Office .Cell Request Russell.