It's a 2.4 GHz Core 2 Duo/2GB/256MB with 5400rpm (see last photo for evidence of this). I added 2GB of RAM totaling it to 4GB. I'm asking $250 or finest offer. MONEY ONLY !!
This is a 2007 15" Macbook Pro A1226 costing parts or repair work. It's in EXCELLENT condition other than the graphics card is not working, therefore, the computer DOES boot up (you can hear it), but the screen will certainly not show anything. I've had this had a look at by the Genius Bar at the Apple establishment to confirm my diagnosis. There are NO scratches, nicks or physical damage what so ever on the computer system. The power supply and the red, hard shell case are included. Red case does have some scuffs and scratches on it (hence it's purpose), but works like a beauty.
Significant queries just please!