Hertrich Nissan has a wide selection of exceptional pre-owned vehicles to choose from, including this 2004 Hyundai Santa Fe. The Hyundai Santa Fe is the benchmark all other SUVs strive to meet. With exceptional power, towing and handling, this SUV can handle anything thrown at it. Gently driven doesn't even begin to explain how lovingly cared for this ultra-low mileage vehicle has been. This is the one. Just what you've been looking for. This is about the time when you're saying it is too good to be true, and let us be the one's to tell you, it is absolutely true.
Air Conditioning - Front|Airbags - Front - Dual|Airbags - Front - Side|Security Anti-Theft Alarm System|Steering Wheel Tilt-Adjustable|Cruise Control|Exterior Entry Lights|Exterior Mirrors Heated|Exterior Mirrors Power|Roof Rack|Tachometer|Center Console|Clock|Front Fog Lights|Power Brakes|Power Door Locks|Power Steering|Power Windows|Rear Seats Split-Bench|Seats Front Seat Type: Bucket|Windows Front Wipers: Intermittent|Windows Privacy Glass|Windows Rear Defogger|Windows Rear Wiper