Bike is in excellent condition! I love this bike but I really would like to get a boat and cannot afford both. I personally change the oil every year with Honda brand oil and oil filter. The beginning of last summer I put $600 of just parts, not including labor, into it. Nothing was or is wrong with it, runs perfect. I just was doing preventative maintenance. The new parts include: new chain, new rear tire (Metzeler - Sportec M5), new spark plugs, new windshield screws, and new lights. New brake pads were put in it three years ago as well. The black Honda wing design ($200) was also custom added when I got the bike. I also put in a new coolant reservoir tank, which had a small whole and leaked, and added the dark windshield. I still have the original clear Honda shield as well. The original muffler has been replaced with a Jardine RT-One. There is 17,724 miles on this bike.