This bike is in amazing condition and the paint is just plain cool with the ghost flames through out the bike, The aluminum on this bikes has the look of chrome and is flawless. Take a good look at the polised rims and all chrome, it is in like new shape. The only blemish on the bike is they must of used cheap mirrors because the back sides have pits in them but that is it. The paint is excellent other than some very minor hairline surface scratches that are so minor you really have to look hard. I just did a complete service and carb clean so it's ready to ride. It is a 1 owner bike and you will be hard pressed to find a nicer one anywhere. I rode it and it's comfortable and fun. I like the 04 tank better than the 05 myself. I like the tear drop style not the coffin style. Everything works as it should. It has the 111 S&S super stock and it runs great.