This big, beauty is tuned up and ready to roll. This trike belonged to my parents, it was their favorite child and lifeline from Spring to Fall. They were the second owners and have driven a majority of the miles during American Legion Riders fundraisers and ralleys - long distance drives. Although, they did enjoy the causal garage sailing adventure as well - lots of storage for 25 cent treasures. This well-loved and treasured trike has been instramental in raising over $1 million for a legacy fund that helps children of fallen veterans. Sadly, I need to sell it because my dad can no longer drive it due to Alzheimer's. It has been stored in a garage always, and spent last summer carefully stored in my garage. It has recently been given a tune-up, a bath, a new battery and tabs. A close family friend who rides has made certain it's ready to roll for the date of purchase. I'm sorry I don't know all the details regarding this bike, but have included information I know for certain - no guessing at engine size or "extras". Here are the details: *83K miles *Comfortable passenger seat (my mom has been known to nap on the back with her pillow) *New Bluetooth radio with speakers *Trunk tour pack (homemade pull behind trailer included if wanted) *Hitch rack *New battery *New 2023 Tabs *Water cooled engine *Mostly highway miles *Car tires (less than 2 seasons driven) Listed for $15,900, open to fair and responsable offers. No holds or payment plans. Cash or wire transfer required for purchase. Posted on several websites. Don't be shy. Lots of lookers and wanters, but no buyers as of today. Located in NW Metro suburbs of Twin Cities - Minnesota. If you have any questions, I'll do my best to answer. Check out the photos and videos that I've collected and shared here. I'm told: The motor is incredibly smooth across all five gears and rev range, the usability of the mammoth motor was staggering on its release. They is no reveverse. Design: Wide, sweptback, handlebars Mid-mounted pegs for a standard sit-up tourer position Huge 20 liter fuel tank Twin rear shocks Sweeping traditional full front and rear fenders Large headlight Solo seat and passenger seat with backrest/arms center of gravity and seat height was low and well balanced which makes for stable Lockable hard saddlebags Larger fuel tank and a rear trunk for luggage
Make: Honda
condition: Used
Engine Size: 1500
Color: Black
Additional color: Red