This bike is absolutely flawless. It has the power plus 100 and a five speed trans. I will try to list all the things I have done, custom saddle bags, windshield bag, leather tank trim, rear luggage rack, fender tips, highway bars, custom solo seat with fringe, exhaust tip, solo seat bracket, vintage style horn cover, push tube covers, trans cover, axle nut covers, front caliper cover, new chrome rotors, air cleaner cover, all cables and lines are steel braided, real glass Indian head. This is a list of what I have chromed, primary ( inner and outer), rockers, exhaust bracket, carb bracket and cover, starter, forward controls, floorboard brackets, timing cover, and more that I know I have forgot. This was my first bike and I was always very picky about it. It is a very beautiful bike in like new condition.