215 Express cruiser - 21 feet 6 inches
Excellent boat design and build to last. Excellent ride as the deep V hull cuts through big wakes with no problem.
- Cuddy Cabin
- 497 hours - original owner
- Stored indoors year round and cared for
- Professionally winterized by Sea Ray of Cincinnati (who also did all maintenance)
- 5.0 L V-8 EFI engine with dual Batteries and battery switch
- Alpha drive - new lower unit 2012
- Stainless steel upgraded prop
- Factory installed Trim Tabs
- Built in head w/ pump out
- Fresh water system with shower on transom and sink in cuddy
- Full canvas included with camper canvas
- Excellent condition - very well cared for externally and internally
- Runs great and START the FIRST TIME, every time
- Table can be setup in cuddy or just behind the driver's seat.
- Extended cushions convert the cuddy to a sleeper cabin.
- Window opens to allow airflow in cuddy - window creen included.
- Anchor storage cabinet built in makes for easy achoring/storage.
- Radio with CD and iPod connectors inside cuddy. 4 speakers.
- External add on amp inside cuddy. Built-in remote @driver console.
- Phone Number: to limit scam scripts pulling numbers:
Area Code = Five-One-Three (513)
Number = Three-Two-Five (325)- Seven-Three-Two-Seven (7327)