Titles include:
Ancient Egypt by Lorna Oakes and Lucia Gahlin, What Life Was Like on the Banks of the Nile, Pharoah's People Scenes from Life in Imperial Egypt by TGH James, Guide to the Pyramids of Egypt by Albert Silotti, Egypt Gods, Myths and Religion by Lucia Gahlin, The Ancient Egyptians Religious Beliefs and Practices by A Rosalie David, Art and Architecture Egypt by M Seldel and R Schultz, Luxor and Karnak, The Valley of the Kings and Queens, The Tomb of Tutankhamen, Pyramids and Mummies by Anne Bolten, The Usborne Internet Linked Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt, Usborne Discovery Internet Linked Mummies and Pyramids, The Pyramids, Their Archeology and History by Miroslav Verner, Ancient Egypt by David P. Silverman, The Book of the Dead by EA Wallis Budge, Tutankhamun the Exodus Conspiracy by Andrew Collins and Chris Ogilvie Herald, Omm Sety's Egypt by Hanny el Zeini and Catherine Dees, Egyptian Legends and Stories by MV Seton Williams, The Hieroglyphs of Ancient Egypt by Aiden Dodson
Location: Mankato