Puddin' is a really tiny little Yorkshire Terrier female. Her present weight is 2 pound. 4 oz. Her estimated adult weight is just 3 - 3.5 pounds. Her sibling Wynnston's estimated adult weight is 5 pounds. His present weight is 4 pound. 4 oz. They have actually gotten all 3 required young puppy shots and require simply their rabies shot. They are crate and paper trained. Their adult hair is now can be found in." Yorkshire Puddin'" is offered with restricted AKC registration for $650. Even though she has constantly been a healthy, happy, and extremely spirited puppy; she needs to not be bred due to the fact that of her small size. Without AKC registration, she is $600. Wynnston has already gotten his AKC registration, which just has to be transferred to your name. (Originally I prepared to keep him, but plans altered.) He is $550. Money just. Please call
to meet these puppies.