Hubby has declared it's time to clean out the garage! I have two 2011 Double City Mini strollers for sale. I will throw in the Bug Canopy (1 for each stroller), Single Parent Console (1 for each stroller), the Jolly Jumper Kiddy Kaddy Snack tray that velcros on (1 for each stroller) and one of the strollers has a Belly Bar. Selling each stroller and accessories (thrown in) for $250 each. First to email can pick if they want the belly bar.
Total new: Stroller- $450, Bug Canopy- $45, Belly Bar- $39.95, Parent Console- $30, Jolly Jumper Snack Kaddy- $14.
See links for examples: Baby Jogger Double City Mini Stroller- /baby-jogger-city-mini-double-stroller-2012-s/144.htm
Double Belly Bar- /p/baby-jogger-adj-belly-bar-double-mini-classic-elite-summit-18472?site=CA&utm_source=Google&utm_medium=cpc_D&utm_term=OG-074&utm_campaign=GooglePLA&CAWELAID=85&utm_content=pla&ca_sku=OG-074&ca_gpa=pla&ca_kw=%7Bkeyword%7D
Bug Canopy- /bk34481.html?source=googleps&gclid=CJqz_fmowrsCFU_NOgod3T8Aag
Parent Console- /p/baby-jogger-universal-parent-console/-/A-?ref=tgt_adv_XSG10001&AFID=Google_PLA_df&LNM=%7C&CPNG=Baby&kpid=&LID=PA&ci_src=&ci_sku=&gclid=CITYm_a5wrsCFcQDOgodXjUABw
Jolly Jumper Kiddy Kaddy snack tray- /Jolly-Jumper-Kiddy-Kaddy-Stroller/dp/B000SN2JO4