I have an almost new 2 bike hitch. Only used 2 times!
I bought this bike rack today and tried it on my Toyota Corolla, and it works great, but not on my car.
My trailer hitch Is 1 1/4" and the bike carrier is 2" so I have to have an adapter and it makes the bike rack stick out super far and causes it to scrape going through gutters. It didn't hurt the bike rack it just scratched it. So my loss is your gain.
The bike rack works great but I would recommend having some sort of SUV, subaru,
or truck. We put a long 29" downhill E bike and another bike on and it hauled great and the E bike fit just fine.
Nothing is broken and the locking mechanism works great and I have the key. I just need a rack that goes up instead of flat for my car.
$150 firm.
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